If you are adding additional 5 - 24 VDC devices, you may want to use additional SmartGarden3 Wiring Hub Boards. This is the same board that is included in the SmartGarden3 Hydroponics Units.
It comes with a 2Amp replaceable fuse and high quality screw down connections for wires.
Channel 1 is labeled Pump on the board and Channel 2 is labeled Light on the board.
You can control two channels through this board. The steps to use this board are:
Step 1) Connect your power to the Power Inputs on the right of the board.
Step 2) Connect your device to be controlled to either Channel 2 or Channel 1 Outputs (on the top left of the board)
Step 3) Connect a SG3 relay (on the SG3 Extender Board marked Relay 5-Relay 8) to control your device.
Then program SmartGarden3 to control your device.
If you want to use your own relay board, this is still a very handy wiring hub.
It also supports:
- A DS18B20 One Wire Temperature Sensor. 4.7K pullup resistor included. Wired to a Digital / Serial port. Can be 3.3V or 5V depending on your setup.
- 4 Port Grove I2C Expander - 3.3V or 5V with I2C Activity LED.