433MHz External Antenna Kit
This kit is for 433MHz WeatherSense sensors to extend their transmitting range.
You want more range? Get a better antenna.
It is compatible with:
- WeatherSense Lightning
- WeatherSense AirQuality
- WeatherSense SolarMAX2
It is not compatible with the WeatherRack2 or the F016TH Temperature Sensors.
Kit Contents
- 433MHz Transmitter with Twisted Pair Leads
- u.fl to SMA Female Coaxial Cable
- 433MHz Stub Antenna (3dbi)
- Mounting Hardware
Can I use this with other Antennas?
The answer is yes. In general, bigger antenna (tuned to 433MHz of course) will get you more range. Here a are a few examples:
433MHz Dipole Antenna 10dbi gain
433MHz Ominidirectional Antenna 7dbi gain
SDL 433MHz High Performance Directional Yagi Antenna 20dbi
Step by Step Assembly with WeatherSense Sensors
Contents of Kit:
Step 1 - Remove Red plastic cap from SMC connector
Step 2 - Slide SMC connector through the hole in the WeatherSense housing.
Step 3 - Slide on the lock washer and tighten one of the brass nuts onto the SMC connector. Screw down tight, but don't break the plastic.
Step 4 - Push on the other end of the Coaxial cable onto the u.fl connector on the MiniProPlus board marked TXANT. Push directly down on the cable connector so it seats correctly.
Step 5 - Screw on your 433MHz Stub Antenna on the outside of the WeatherSense housing.
Step 6 - Take the TX Board (with the twisted pair wires attached). Make sure the wires are twisted together. Take the three pins on the device and slightly bend the outside pins up and the inside pin down to give a solid connection to the female pin headers on the MiniProPlus board.
Step 7 - Plug the TX Board into the female pin headers marked TX TRAN orienting the wire side to the front of the MiniProPlus board.
Step 8- Take note of the color of the wire attached to the top of the silver crystal on top of the TX Board. Run this wire to the pin on the left pin of the male pin header TX ANT (SL4). This is ground. Plug the other wire into the pin next to the first wire. This is the Antenna wire.
Reassemble your unit. You are done! Enjoy your additional range!