Grove HDC1080 I2C Temperature and Humidity Board (HDC1000 compatible)
Grove HDC1080 I2C Temperature and Humidity Board (HDC1000 compatible)
Grove HDC1080 I2C Temperature and Humidity Board (HDC1000 compatible)

Grove HDC1080 I2C Temperature and Humidity Board (HDC1000 compatible)

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Grove HDC1080 I2C Temperature and Humidity Board (HDC1000 / HDC1010 compatible)

The HDC1080 is a HDC1000 compatible temperature and humidity sensor. It is located at I2C address 0x40.

Grove - Temperature and Humidity Sensor (HDC1080) utilizes a HDC1080 sensor, from Texas Instruments. It is a digital humidity sensor with integrated temperature sensor that provides excellent measurement accuracy at very low power. The device measures humidity based on a novel capacitive sensor. The humidity and temperature sensors are factory calibrated. The innovative WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Package) simplifies board design with the use of an ultra-compact package. The HDC1080 is functional within the full –40°C to +125°C temperature range, and 0-100% RH range.


ŸGrove connector compatible
ŸI2C Interface
ŸLow Power
ŸWide operating voltage range


ŸSupply Voltage: 3~5Vdc;
ŸWorking Current: 0.12~90uA;
ŸRelative humidity accuracy: ±3%RH;
ŸRelative humidity operating range: 0~100%RH;
ŸTemperature accuracy: ±0.2℃;
ŸTemperature range: -40~125℃;
ŸOperating temperature: -20~85℃
ŸDimension: 40×20mm.

Downloads (Note: HDC1080 is software compatible with the HDC1000/HDC1010)

Software Example



Test SDL_Pi_HDC1000 Version 1.0 - SwitchDoc Labs

Sample uses 0x40 and SwitchDoc HDC1000 Breakout board 
Program Started at:2017-01-19 15:57:30

Temperature = 23.4 C
Humidity = 26.3 %
configure register = 0x10
turning Heater On
configure register = 0x30
turning Heater Off
configure register = 0x10
change temperature resolution
configure register = 0x14
change temperature resolution
configure register = 0x10
change humidity resolution
configure register = 0x12
change humidity resolution
configure register = 0x10
Temperature = 23.4 C
Humidity = 26.3 %
configure register = 0x10
turning Heater On
configure register = 0x30
turning Heater Off
configure register = 0x10
change temperature resolution
configure register = 0x14
change temperature resolution
configure register = 0x10
change humidity resolution
configure register = 0x12
change humidity resolution
configure register = 0x10

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Test SDL_Pi_HDC1000
# January 2017


import sys
import time
import datetime
import SDL_Pi_HDC1000

# Main Program

print ""
print "Test SDL_Pi_HDC1000 Version 1.0 - SwitchDoc Labs"
print ""
print "Sample uses 0x40 and SwitchDoc HDC1000 Breakout board "
print "Program Started at:"+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print ""

hdc1000 = SDL_Pi_HDC1000.SDL_Pi_HDC1000()

while True:

        print "-----------------"
        print "Temperature = %3.1f C" % hdc1000.readTemperature()
        print "Humidity = %3.1f %%" % hdc1000.readHumidity()

        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()
        # turn heater on
        print "turning Heater On"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()
        # turn heater off
        print "turning Heater Off"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()

        # change temperature resolution
        print "change temperature resolution"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()
        # change temperature resolution
        print "change temperature resolution"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()

        # change humdity resolution
        print "change humidity resolution"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()
        # change humdity resolution
        print "change humidity resolution"
        # read configuration register
        print "configure register = 0x%X" % hdc1000.readConfigRegister()
