OurWeather is a connected weather station containing 7 different sensors that will teach about electronics, software and the weather. It contains all the sensors and wires to make a fully functional, WiFi weather station. No software programming is required, it works right out of the box.
Now with a new Blynk App for getting your OurWeather weather off your phone!
However, if you want to change the way OurWeather works, add your own software or do something entirely different, we have the Open Source software available. And what is one of the coolest features of OurWeather? Building the kit requires NO SOLDERING. It is all plug and play based building, with a full step-by-step photograph based instruction manual. It is a safe and educational way to learn about weather, electronics and science topics. You can watch our successful kickstarter video here: https://youtu.be/pw6hSNSQnsM
OurWeather Expansion Kit Released!
Tutorial on Selecting a Solar Power System Here.
OurWeather Solar Extender Kit Released!
If you have purchased an OurWeather station before November 1, 2019, you have a Version 1 station. See the downloads at the bottom of the page for Version 1.
- July 8, 2020 - Software Version V059 Released - Fixes WU Preferences Bug
- February 19, 2020 - Software Version V056 Released - Adds Altitude and Station name to WiFi Config Screen
- February 7, 2020 - Software Version V054 Released - Corrects an conflict between the AirQuality sensor and the Wind Vane and fixes the WeatherRack problem introduced in V053
- January 20, 2020 - Software Version 053 Released - Supports SolarMAX and User MQTT
Downloads for Version 2
- - Assembly and Operations Manual February 2020
- - Advanced Usage Manual (Now Version 6.0)
- - Installing the Blynk Application on iPhone and Android
- - Setting up MQTT on OurWeather
- - WeatherPlus2 Product Page and Documentation
- - OurWeather Software Source Code
- - Connecting OurWeather to the WeatherUnderground
- - Over-The-Air Update- see the Assembly and Operations Manual to update
- - OurWeather REST Interface and the Raspberry Pi
Note: A second way of resetting your OurWeather back to the factory defaults (if you have lost your admin password for example) is to:
With the power off connect a jumper from D25 (Presented as Pin 1 on the J15 Grove Connector) to a Ground wire (Pin 4 of the same connector). On the J15 connector, Pin 1 is the one inside the board and Pin 4(Ground) is on the outside of the board.
Turn your power on the board and remove the jumper when you see "Trying WIFI AP" your preferences are completely gone.
QR Code For OurWeather Blynk App
OurWeather Complete Weather Kit?
The OurWeather station is a complete weather kit that you can build and modify yourself.
-(November 18, 2019) OurWeather Version 2 Released
What is OurWeather?
OurWeather is a connected weather station containing 7 different sensors that will teach about electronics, software and the weather. It contains all the sensors and wires to make a fully functional, WiFi weather station. No software programming is required, it works right out of the box. However, if you want to change the way OurWeather works, add your own software or do something entirely different, we have the Open Source software available. And what is one of the coolest features of OurWeather? Building the kit requires NO SOLDERING. It is all plug and play based building, with a full step-by-step photograph based instruction manual. It is a safe and educational way to learn about weather, electronics and science topics. You can watch our successful kickstarter video here: https://youtu.be/pw6hSNSQnsM
- Full Computer Controlled Weather Station Kit
- Works with Amazon Alexa
- Supports Blynk App on Android and iPhone
- Wind Speed, Direction and Gusts
- Supports WeatherUnderground
- Inside Temperature, Outside Temperature, Outside Humidity
- Barometric Pressure and Rain Gauge
- Uses standard GROVE connectors. No Soldering!
- Great kit for beginners or experts
- Contains the WeatherPlus board (with on board computer)
- Great kit for beginners or experts
- Has an included Real Time Clock – good to 1 part per million
- Full Open Source Code for OurWeather Provided. You can change everything!
- Step by Step Assembly and Operations Manual with Pictures
- Sensors and Functions can be added with Extender Kit
Extender Kits
OurWeather Expansion Kit
This expansion kit ads lighting detection, an indoor quality sensor, a sunlight sensor and an inside temperature and humidity sensor. And an RGBW Pixel display. All integrated into OurWeather.
- Lightning Detection - The ThunderBoard
- 6 Port I2C Hub
- Indoor Air Quality Sensor
- Sunlight Sensor
- Inside Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Pixel RGBW Display
- 5 20cm Grove Cables
- 2 50cm Grove Cables
Solar Power OurWeather Extender Kit
Weatherproofing Extender Kit
Adds a weatherproof box and connectors to OurWeather. Coming Soon
3D Printed Base for OurWeather
Don't have a 3D Printer? You can buy a OurWeather Stand on the SwitchDoc Store
Plant Water Sensing Extender Kit
Monitor your garden or in school flower pot for soil moisture levels with OurWeather. Coming soon.
What are Grove Connectors?
Grove Connectors are a standard way of connecting a variety of devices quickly and safely. See our full tutorial here.
The WeatherPlus Board
OurWeather contains the customizable WeatherPlus2 board.
3D Printed OurWeather Base
If you have a 3D Printer, here is the code to make your own OurWeather base. OurWeather comes with one, but if you want to modify it, here it is.
3D Printed Radiation Shield
Here is a design we use for wall mounting an AM2315 temperature / humidity sensor. Depending on your installation, you may use a freestanding radiation shield like thisone on Thingiverse ( http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:804356 ).
More Technical Background
Advanced Usage
OurWeather is designed to be accessable to a wide range of different ages and skill levels. Out of the box, you can easily see and get weather information from OurWeather by the supplied web page and included OLED display. Plug it in, and it works.
For those who wish to dig in a little deeper and build software on Raspberry Pis to read information from OurWeather and use it in their own programs, we provide a REST interface. Simple to use. Let’s say your OurWeather is located at the address of (OurWeather will tell you what address it is at during startup after you have set it up). For example: will return:
{“OutdoorTemperature”: 22.10, “id”: “1”, “name”: “OurWeather”, “connected”: true}
Very cool. Actually, 22.10 is in Celsius so it is a nice temperature. 72F.
All the weather information is available by similar calls.
We provide the source code up on github.com for OurWeather so you can modify it yourself for those who want to dig in even deeper.
Software Updates
OurWeather supports software updates OTA (Over the Air) so you can always go and grab our latest software off of www.SwitchDoc.com by using your OurWeatherAdmin.html web page. You are never out of date with the latest and greatest!
OurWeather is based on a special board designed by SwitchDoc Labs called WeatherPlus.
WeatherPlus contains an ESP8266 processor (includes WiFi) and does not require an external computer to run. If you want to program the WeatherPlus board, we supply all of the source code to allow you to do that. The software for the board is written using the Arduino IDE with the ESP8266 libraries added.
OurWeather is a very open project that can be used many different ways. It is not a sealed unit that can not be modified. We embrace the open source model of software!
Downloads Version 1
- - Assembly and Operations Manual
- - Advanced Usage Manual (Now Version 4.0)
- - Installing the Blynk Application on iPhone and Android
- - Connecting Alexa to OurWeather
- - WeatherPlus Product Page and Documentation
- - OurWeather Software Source Code
- - Connecting OurWeather to the WeatherUnderground
- - Over-The-Air Update- see the Assembly and Operations Manual to update
- - OurWeather REST Interface and the Raspberry Pi