WeatherSense Wireless WeatherRack2
SwitchDoc Labs has always been about bringing out new types of sensors and projects to makers all over the world. We are now proud to announce our first custom built set of WeatherSense 433Mhz Wireless Weather Sensors for you to build your own weather station using Raspberry Pi's, Arduino or ESP32 based computers. Your pick! We are using some really advanced technology and software such as using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) in the Raspberry Pi kits to get really good quality data from the wireless sensors. Fully WeatherSense compatible.
For more information about WeatherSense - Tutorial: What is WeatherSense?
WeatherSense WeatherRack2 professional wireless (433MHz) weather station features an easy-to-install 7-in-1 integrated sensor array (temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, UV, light). Suitable both for home and commercial applications.
- Wireless Indoor temperature and humidity
- Wireless outdoor temperature and humidity
- Wind Speed
- Wind Direction
- Solar Radiation
- Rainfall data
- UV
Includes an indoor temperature and humidity sensor (the SwitchDoc Labs F016TH).
- WeatherRack2 Technical Specification and Assembly
- rtl_433 Open Source Software supporting WeatherRack2
- WeatherRack2 Raspberry P Python Test and Example Software
- Arduino WeatherRack2 Drivers
- ESP32 WeatherRack2 Drivers
- Arduino Kit Assembly and Test Manual
- Raspberry Pi Kit Assembly and Test Manual
Software Defined Radio
We sell a compatible SDR and Antenna here.
ON Amazon, you can buy a compatible SDR:
Example Results
pi@SwitchDocLabs:~/SDL_Pi_WeatherRack2 $ sudo python3 Starting Wireless Read
{"time" : "2020-11-22 06:40:15", "model" : "SwitchDoc Labs FT020T AIO", "device" : 12, "id" : 0, "batterylow" : 0, "avewindspeed" : 2, "gustwindspeed" : 3, "winddirection" : 18, "cumulativerain" : 180, "temperature" : 1011, "humidity" : 27, "light" : 1432, "uv" : 4, "mic" : "CRC"}
Raw Data Description
- time: Time of Message Reception
- model: SwitchDoc Labs FT020T AIO
- device: Serial Number of the sensor - changed on powerup but can be used to discriminate from other similar sensors in the area
- batterylow: 0 if battery good, 1 if battery is getting low
- avewindspeed: Average Wind Speed in m/s *10
- gustwindspeed: Last Gust Speed in m/s *10
- winddirection: Wind Direction in degrees from 0-359.
- cumulativerain: Total rain since last reset or power off. in mm.*10
- temperature: outside temperature in F with 400 offset and *10 T = (value-400)/10.0
- humidity: Relative Humidity in %. light:
- Visible Sunlight in lux. uv: UV Index * 10 (meaning an uv index of 0.8 is in the example message above)
Temperature and Humidity Error Conditions
If the humidity level in Hex is 0xFF, this is an error
If the temperature level in Hex is 0x0FFF, this is an error
Clearly those are errors. Here are three more Errors from the temperature:
Valid range for temperature: (with 400 offset added)
-40.0F to 140.0F
Invalid value: 0X7FA
Below minimum: 0X7FC
Above maximum: 0X7FD
Valid Range for Humidity 10% -100%
Errors for Humidity:
Invalid humidity: 0x7A
From the Arduino Driver: